Growing As A Leader Session

Mindera - United Kingdom - UK Team
2023 Feb 1 - 1min. Read
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Infographics on psychological safety - designed by Dr Hayley Lewis
So, just what is “Growing As A Leader”?
Well, the Growing As A Leader Sessions are a 4-part series of sessions spread over four months to provide participants with tools and teachings on various topics to help supplement leadership ability and understanding of your team. It’s incredible for people who want to continue growing and learning! Our lovely Darshak Lakhlani and Kirti Lad went to check them out to see what they could bring back to Mindera for the wider Minders!
Revd Dr Tom Wilson from the St Phillip’s Centre in Leicester organised the monthly sessions with new themes. The topics covered include working from rest, psychological safety, developing grit, and leading with insight.
The fantastic resources from the sessions:
Some (but definitely not all!) of the available resources included beautifully drawn sketches by the fantastic Dr Hayley Lewis, a self-evaluation document on leadership, and some handy information on understanding psychological safety. We’ve also included some of Darshak’s notes so you can see a snapshot of the sessions in action!
The leadership Self-Assessment document covered a lot about how to be an inspirational leader. Topics such as framing work in the right way, emphasising the purpose of work, and inviting participation, were covered to gain a clearer understanding of yourself in a leadership context. Asking thoughtful questions on productivity and destigmatising failure were also included. We have taken note of this to bring Mindera!
For the session on psychological safety, insight mainly from a book titled ‘The Fearless Organisation’ by Amy C Edmonson was used. The information covered a wide variety of stuff, including what psychological safety is and what isn’t, the value of mistakes and how we can learn from them, and how to make your organisation psychologically safe - something close to our hearts at Mindera!
A fantastic design by Dr Hayley Lewis - check out her LinkedIn and Instagram!
Insight from Revd Dr Tom Wilson, Darshak, and Kirti:
Revd Dr Tom Wilson:
“The growing as a leader series of open workshops provide an opportunity to come together with a group of like-minded peers to gather insights from some of the best and boldest writers on personal development and the skills necessary for twenty-first-century leadership. To find out more, contact Revd Dr Tom Wilson,”
“For me, the sessions came at just the right time! It’s funny because whatever session was happening at that time, it was relevant to what was going on more generally. I really enjoy these sorts of self-development sessions to work on myself and also help others on their journey. For me, it’s about selflessness and giving back, so being involved in these things I find very fulfilling. I’m glad there are so many people with the same mindset and ambition.”
“To start - a leader is nothing or no one unless you have a trusted team on your side and have a growth mindset. I have experienced working with some great managers at the same time, really poor leaders. If you don’t think there’s a difference between them, there is a huge one!
In my leadership roles, it was vital for me to “lead by example”: and treat my team with dignity and respect. Not to strike anyone down with belittling comments and never placing people in an embarrassing or demeaning position.
I genuinely cared and asked, “How are you?” or “How’s your family?” And then listened and expressed genuine concern and interest. I have always learnt to find time to express my appreciation for my team’s work and have the ability to inspire and motivate people to believe in something beyond their own thinking. These sessions reinforced that for me!”
Can you see yourself working as part of a team that constantly promotes learning, development and growth? Great - check out our vacancies - we’d love to have you!
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