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Mindera Summer Camp 2023

The yellow Minder icon against a black background on the homepage of the website for software engineering company Mindera.

Mindera - Global Software Engineering Company

2023 Sep 29 - 1min. Read


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An Astronaut Minder on a Dinosaur on a yellow background

Mindera Summer Camp 2023!

Summer is drawing to a close, and boy, have we had an eventful one! We hosted two summer camps divided into two dates in two different cities. The first was in Aveiro from July 17 to 19, and the second in Porto from July 31 to August 4.

Our 2023 Tech Camp in Portugal

At Mindera, we are passionate about giving back to society. We believe it is our responsibility to impact the world around us positively. With our Tech Camps, we want to provide disadvantaged children with different holidays and opportunities.

Our goal is to give the kids their first contact with tech through the learning of block programming, using robots, legos, balls and electronics using Arduíno. Every young person deserves this chance and opportunity to explore their interests and future career options. We also combined this experience with sports, such as sailing, canoeing and climbing, and promoted personal development and team spirit with activities in nature.

Two polaroid style images, the first with a picture of two of our team, the second with a picture of some sailing boats.

Aveiro Tech Camp

Back in July, twenty-three children/young people (aged 6-13 years old) came to join us in our Aveiro office from Florinhas do Vouga and Obra da Criança. With the help of several incredible Minder volunteers, we hosted some cool activities like games with virtual reality, contests with programmable balls, construction and programming of Lego, scratch classes, programming a small designer robot, sailing, canoeing and mini golf!

Two polaroid style images, the first with a Minder and a young person completing a puzzle, the second with a Minder doing rock climbing

Porto Tech Camp

In August, we were hosted by the Gondomar City Council in their space at the Quinta do Passal Environmental Education Center, where we received twenty more young people aged between 12-17 years old, coming from 5 different institutions: CPCJ Gondomar, Gondomar Social, Obra ABC, Lar Rosa Santos and Lar do Livramento.

We did the same activities with them as we did in Aveiro plus the Arduino, idealisation of a mobile application, tree climbing, wall climbing, and going for bike rides. Both tech camps were a definite success; they were incredible and memorable experiences for the young people involved. The kids were able to get to grips with programming and technology in different cases, using different tools. The consensus at the end of the camps was that everyone wanted to come back and do it all over again!

One of the young people who attended our tech camp in Porto last year has even told us that he will be starting a professional course in management, programming, and computer systems; how cool is that?

We can't wait for the next chance to provide wonderful young people with these opportunities.

Two Polaroid style images, the first with a young person holding a light-up ball, the second with people pointing at a circuit

Some Words From Our Minders

Ruben Carneiro, Marketing Mindera Code Academy:

“It was an incredible experience. I met some amazing children, and it was great to provide a different and unforgettable week for everyone involved. I'm sure this won't be my last time volunteering, and I think it's something all Minders should experience in their time at Mindera.

“As a volunteer, there were weeks of learning and lots of emotions because the kids have very complicated lives, and you can see their happiness when they try new things. Their happiness is the happiness of all the volunteers and organisers.”

Account Owner João Manso:

“It was a week that filled my heart with joy, pride and excitement. Right from the first day, I felt the contagious energy of the kids as they arrived. It was a mix of curiosity and enthusiasm that couldn't be ignored. Seeing their eyes light up and the big smiles on their faces made me even more excited for what was to come. We had a packed schedule of cool activities. Everything was planned to show these kids how fun and inspiring technology can be.

“What really left a mark on me was interacting with them. It wasn't just about teaching; it was about exchanging ideas and creating more hope for these kid's future. We explained programming concepts to them, but they also taught me to see things differently, with that boundless creativity that only kids have. It was a constant sharing of knowledge and joy. Knowing that I was a part of their journey is something I'll carry with me forever.

"This experience made me realise how initiates like this can be a bridge to transform lives and create unforgettable memories. I'm eagerly looking forward to the next Summer Camp because I know this week not only deeply impacted the kids but also left a mark on me. I’m super proud to be part of this next to these amazing people.”

Sara Cardoso, Learning Developer:

“This project is especially dear to me for the instant happiness and giant transformation that can be achieved simply by expanding love.”

Our Human Engineer, Pedro Teixeria:

“If one day people ask us what we will leave as a Mindera mark. This is it right here - Mindera Tech Camps <3”

A thank you to our volunteers

Initiatives like our summer camps would only be possible with our incredible volunteers; in no particular order, we would like to thank them all!

The Porto Volunteers:

  • Sara Cardoso,
  • Carina Mousaco,
  • Ruben Carneiro,
  • João Manso,
  • Flávio Silva,
  • Christophe Pinto de Almeida Soares,
  • Adan Oliveira,
  • Carolina Ferraz,
  • Maria Pereira,
  • Tiago Padrão,
  • Leonardo Teixeira,
  • João Rocha.

The Aveiro Volunteers

  • Sara Cardoso,
  • Carina Mousaco,
  • Ruben Carneiro,
  • Flávio Silva,
  • Cláudio Teixeira,
  • João Pantaleão,
  • Diogo Reis,
  • Gregory Caldeira,
  • Tiago Pires,
  • Nuno Carapeto,
  • João Flora.

If you or someone you know is looking to get into the tech sphere, check out what Mindera Code Academy and Mindera School have to offer!


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The yellow Minder icon against a black background on the homepage of the website for software engineering company Mindera.

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Global Software Engineering Company

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