From Classroom to Code: Work Experience at Mindera UK

Mindera - United Kingdom - UK Team
2023 Apr 17 - 1min. Read
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A textbook turning into some webpages with Minders in the background.
Recently, Mindera UK opened our doors to some students attending a sixth form in Leicester! The students traded in textbooks for Macbooks to embark on a week of tech industry experience.
The two students were highly eager, motivated, and intrigued by all things coding, software development, and even Mindera culture. We caught up with them at the end of their week’s work experience to discover the behind-the-scenes of their time with us.
Exploring the World of Software Development:
The week started with a look into Code Academy, followed by a dive into the basics of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. In our catch-up with the students, we were told how interesting and insightful these sessions were!
Our Minders also gave the students a hands-on look at how the industry works in terms of coding and also showed insight into non-coding roles within a software development company.
Following this, there were also some non-technical elements where we invited the students to attend a workshop on connecting with people; this was a great chance to give them insight into the world of work from a non-tech perspective. We got comments on how they could really tell Mindera valued relationships, and they appreciated the non-hierarchical way we work!
When we caught up with them, we asked if they had learnt anything they didn’t know before, they discussed how they had done coding in sixth form, but it was nothing like their time at Mindera. Previously, they had looked at Python, but their work experience week opened them up to Javascript and HTML too. To them, it was a great chance to learn that there was a LOT more to it than the syllabuses they were working to at Sixth Form.
Feedback from the students:
Of course, we also asked what they thought of their week with Mindera UK - we really value feedback here at Mindera, and extending this principle to our visitors is no different.
First, the students highlighted how they realised just how much work and dedication goes into software development, noting how because everything is behind the scenes, you don’t consider the full development cycle, for example, when you look at a website. But, unfortunately, because we had just one week, we didn't have time to blow their minds with all of the cool things we get involved in.
They definitely had enough to do, too, commenting that:
“We felt like part of the team from day one, never like outsiders, like actual employees.”
We love to see it!
As well as getting positive feedback, we asked what we could improve or if anything was particularly challenging. The responses were that the coding was tough (in a good way, of course!), and this was because it was fast-paced - it was a great learning curve though, we were told.
But how could we improve the work experience for future students? Well, things were sometimes a little too technical and might not have been tailored for people with a less techy background. The feedback and suggested improvements for this would be to make structured and customised learning plans for people at different places with their software knowledge - we think this is a fantastic idea.
The Future of Tech is Bright!
Both work-experience students thoroughly enjoyed their week with us; when we caught up with them, they were both so passionate and enthusiastic about what they learned. In addition, they shared how they had been talking to friends and family nonstop about what they had been learning - how awesome is that?!
We asked them if they knew their plans for after sixth form, and while nothing was set in stone, one said they were considering going to University to study either physics or computer science. The other student highlighted that they wanted to either go into the world of work or an apprenticeship, most likely in software development.
Mindera UK is super proud that we have contributed to the career journeys of these bright young minds. When asked if they would work with us if we offered them a job in the future, both students said yes! They loved the work environment in the Leicester office, and their favourite thing was the flexibility of picking and choosing your career path within Mindera. That’s one of our favourite things too.
A Note From Darshak:
“I enjoyed my time with the students; when I was first asked if I’d like to help, I wondered, where do I begin? But I immediately knew I’d like to help and jumped at the idea of giving back to others!
I brainstormed what I’d like to share by putting myself in their shoes with the experience and knowledge I’ve gained from college to now. I wanted to share about business, tech and also personal development. This goes well with some of the hats I’ve worn in Mindera as a QA, PO, BA, and Learning & Development.
Sharing about the Agile methodologies we’ve used and sprint ceremonies, terms, and the day-to-day life in this was insightful for the students. I enjoyed running over this and setting them a QA task which they enjoyed and grasped at the challenge! I shared with them from a coaching, learning and development perspective about the vast career options in front of them. Reminding me of when I was in their position, not knowing what I wanted to do next after college.
It’s all about embracing the challenge, learning and enjoying what you do, as that’s what makes you happy. We also attended a workshop on “Connecting with Others”, which they thoroughly enjoyed. We talked about this and shared reflections, which was insightful. I’m grateful I had the opportunity to share with the students and learn from them as well!”
If you are interested in organising work experience at Mindera UK, get in touch!
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